Cairo and the Pyramids – August 24, 2018
Today was our longest excursion to date--13-1/2 hours, about half of which was spent on the road coming or going between Port Said and Cairo.
The highway south from the port paralleled the Suez Canal for about 35 miles. We passed groves of date palms and mango trees bursting with ripe fruit. Vendors parked their donkey carts laden with fruit and vegetables at random spots along the shoulder of the highway. We passed many pickup trucks transporting families. Kids waved at the buses as our convoy passed by.
I say "convoy" because our buses traveled with police escort throughout our excursion. A plainclothes policeman sat in the front seat of the bus. When he stood up at one point, I noticed an Uzi holstered under his jacket.
Egypt's economy depends heavily on tourism, and the country is taking extraordinary measures to ensure that tourists are kept safe.
We passed one beat up old pickup truck in which two women dressed in full abbayas and...